Introducing Starnberg Hospital
Starnberg Hospital is a municipal general hospital with 312 hospital beds. Located just outside of Munich in the lakeside town of Starnberg, the teaching hospital offers a range of services geared towards public, private and international patients. Our main departments include Internal Medicine, Surgery and Orthopaedics, Hand Surgery, Gynaecology/Obstetrics, Paediatrics/Neonatology, Urology and Anaesthesia. Additionally, inpatient care is provided in the fields of ENT, Plastic Surgery, Neurology and Gastroenterology.
Starnberg Hospital
Academic Teaching Hospital
of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
Oßwaldstr. 1
82319 Starnberg
T +49 08151 18-0
F +49 08151 18-22 22

Chairman of the Board
Peter Lenz
Mr. Naoufel Habib
Fon +49 8151 18-2375
Fax +49 8151 18-2303
Klinikum Starnberg
Osswaldstrasse 1
D - 82319 Starnberg