Chief of the Surgical Clinic (trauma surgery, orthopaedics and spine surgery)

Prof. Dr. med. Georg Gradl

Surgical Specialist - trauma surgery / orthopaedics

Phone 08151 18 1400
Fax     08151 18 11 1400

Chief of General and Special Visceral Surgery

Dr. med. Susanne Rogers

Fachärztin Chirurgie, Fachärztin für spezielle Viszeralchirurgie, Senior Darmoperateur (DKG), Leiterin Tumorkonferenz, Koordinatorin Interdisziplinäres Beckenbodenzentrum Starnberg-Penzberg
[ VITA ]
Schwerpunkte: Koloproktologische Chirurgie, Onkologische Chirurgie

Chief of the Surgical Clinic (endocrine surgery)

Prof. Dr. med. Arnold Trupka

Surgical Specialist – Thyroid Surgeon

Phone 08151 18 2270
Fax     08151 18 2208

Expertise: Thyroid surgery, parathyroid surgery, adrenal gland surgery, gastrointestinal endocrine tumour surgery (endocrine surgery), minimally invasive surgery.